Union Christian College, Aluva

Union Christian College, Aluva
Motto The Truth shall make you free
Established 1921
Location Aluva, Kerala, India
Website www.uccollege.edu.in

The Union Christian College, Aluva (a.k.a UC College) is one of the prominent educational institutions in Kerala, India. It is situated to the north of Aluva in Ernakulam district.

Founded in 1921 as a centre of Christian Higher Education, UC College is an inter-denominational cooperation venture among the four major Kerala Christian denominations, Church of South India, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Mar Thoma Syrian Church, and Malankara Jacobite Syrian Church.

The college was affiliated to The Travancore University and is now affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.



  1. Prof. K. C. Chacko,
  2. Prof. A. M. Varki,
  3. Prof. C. P. Mathew,
  4. Prof. V. M. Ittyerah.

Special Grade College Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University

Union Christian College Aluva was founded in 1921 as a premier centre of higher learning in Kerala, South India. The idyllic campus is located close to the banks of the river Periyar, hardly 5 kilometers from Aluva city. The Location privileges the campus with the refreshing ambiguity of urban proximity and rural ambience.

Founded in 1921, Union Christian College is the only centre of higher education in Kerala functioning on an ecumenical basis. The college is managed by an association of members drawn from the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, the Malankara Marthoma Church, the Church of South India and the Inter Church Fellowship of the College.

The origin and growth of the college was mainly on Indian initiative and resources, though the college from the beginning entertained overseas scholars as co-workers.

While identifying with the hopes and aspirations of the nation, the college vigorously promoted the scheme of expanding international co-operation. It became a congregating centre for a host of scholars, theologians and missionaries from the west. The list includes Canon W. E. S. Holland, Rev. L. W. Hooper, Rev. B. G. Crowley and Malcom Muggeridge. The ecumenical identity of the college carried a strong secular dimension as well. The faculty of the early years was a balanced mix of Christian and non-Christian members. The college has diligently maintained this secular structure to the present.

An A grade college

Union Christian College received A grade from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. In the history of India, UCC is the first college getting accredited in the third cycle (for the period of 2005-10 ). The NAAC team visited the campus on 16th, 17th and 18th of March 2011.

Distinctive features

The founder members of the College had as their ambition the instituting of a Christian College whose distinctive features were to be:

  1. Inter-denominational basis of administration
  2. Residential system of life
  3. Fellowship method of life
  4. Cosmopolitan team (Christians and non-Christian, Indians and non-Indians) of staff.

These still remain the chief features of the College even though by force of circumstances the college, at first entirely residential, has now on its rolls a larger number of day scholars than residents. The principle of cooperation in teaching, study and life is still a guiding factor in our work here. There should be a conscious attempt on the part of students and staff, teaching and non-teaching, to realize this in our academic life.

Aims and objectives

The Union Christian College aims at the wholesome education of the young to bring out the best in each individual. It strives to produce intellectually competent, morally upright, spiritually inspired and patriotic men and women in the service of the country.

The college commits itself to the promotion of justice and peace, respect and preservation for the integrity of creation, fostering of wholesome and simple life styles, combating the ill effects of corruption, powerlessness of the marginalized, violence and criminalization. Empowering the powerless, particularly the tribals, dalits, women and other vulnerable sections of society, will be a significant part of this activity. It seeks to nurture transparency and probity in private and public life and to promote national integration.

Mahatma Gandhi's visit

In 1925 Mahatma Gandhi visited the college and planted a mango tree. He wrote in the visitors book delighted with the ideal situation. The mango sapling is now flourishing in front of the administrative block

The college motto and Emblem

College Emblem

The present emblem was adopted in 1939. The symbolism calls on the seekers after knowledge and truth to hold the torch, read the book and reap the harvest It was only in 1939 that the College adopted its present emblem. The symbolisation calls on the seekers after knowledge and truth to hold the torch, read the book and reap the harvest.

College motto

The college motto is The Truth shall make you free. This motto is drawn from a statement made by Jesus to the Jews: “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free”. That the way to ultimate freedom is through ultimate truth was known to the great thinkers and sages of the world.

The Rigveda proclaims that ‘Truth is the support of the earth’. Buddha exhorts : ‘Hold to the truth within yourselves as to the only lamp’. The Quran declares that ‘God is truth’. To Gandhiji, the father of the nation, the whole of life was the pursuit of or experiments with truth. His life demonstrated to the world, although in a limited field, that the way of truth leads to freedom. [[ Francis Bacon]] starts his essay on ‘Truth’ with the statement “What is truth?’ said Jesting Pilate and would not stay for an answer”. Those who, like Pilate, are cynical in their attitude to truth can never attain the true freedom that is the reward of the earnest seekers after truth.

Traditionally the True has been linked with the Good and the beautiful as one of man’s supreme values. The pursuit of truth is in practice indistinguishable from the pursuit of knowledge. True knowledge sought in a spirit of enquiry should mature into wisdom and reverence.

The College is a community of teachers and students bound together in partnership in the pursuit of truth, and those who assist them in this pursuit.


‘Mahaganitham’ is a sculpture commemorating the huge Mahagony tree that stood in front of the Cutcherry Malika. This huge tree, like other trees on the campus, played a vital role in the making of the unique heritage of U.C.College.

The tree was struck by lightning in 2002. The remnants of this great tree stand as ‘Mahaganitham’ near its original position.

‘Mahaganitham’ represents the historic Mahagony tree and ‘Ganitham’, Mathematics, the queen of all sciences. Aesthetic concepts like Golden ratio, Fibonacci series etc. are used in the design. More than a thousand mathematical entities and geometrical shapes are engraved in the sculpture. The five Platonic bodies - tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron - are present in it. Moreover, an attempt has been made to impart certain ethical messages through different mathematical models. An old iron bell, used during the early period of the college, is a part of the sculpture. It reminds us to make the best use of precious opportunities available on the campus. The copper and brass frame strengthens the structure (our relationships too!). This is the 90th year of inception.


The important buildings in the mathematical entities and geometrical shapes are engraved in the sculpture. The five Platonic bodies - tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron - are present in it. Moreover, an attempt has been made to impart certain ethical messages through different mathematical models. An old iron bell, used during the early period of the college, is a part of the sculpture. It reminds us to make the best use of precious opportunities available on the campus. The copper and brass frame strengthens the structure (our relationships too!).

The important buildings in the college are:

  1. Varkey Memorial Hall (VMH)
  2. Platinum Jubilee Block
  3. Administrative Block
  4. NR
  5. Biology
  6. Physics
  7. ICIT
  8. Library
  9. Students Centre
  10. Guest House
  11. MCA
  1. Chapel
  2. Botanical Garden
  3. T.B. Ninan Hall
  4. Cutcheri Malika
  5. Founders' Memorial Platimum Jubilee Auditorium
  6. C.P Mathew Memorial Block

Two major projects, the Golden Jubilee Block and C. P. Mathew Block have been completed. The new academic block named C.P. Mathew, Memorial Academic Block was dedicated on 17. 9 2004. The building took its shape as an extension of the new Psychology Block built in 1994. Prof. C. P. Mathew, one of the founders of the college, was the bursar when the construction of the New Hostel was started in 1926. The hostel started functioning in 1928 with 46 students. Mr. Gopalan Achari was instrumental in planning most of our old building including the College chapel, and Biology Block and even Skinner Hostel.‘Each piece of wood being carved with deep faith in God’, as Gopalan Achari believes. This block is now a full fledged wing of the College including the department of Psychology, Zoology, Womens’ Cell, Computer Centre and other facilities.

Offices / Facilities

Principal’s Office
Manager’s Room
Bursar Office
Office of the Superintendent
Common Staff Room (Teaching staff)
Staff room ( Non –Teaching staff)
Department of Works
U.C.College Employees Credit Society
Guidance Bureau
Women's Cell
Photocopying Centre
Post Office
Union Christian College Computer Centre
Office of the NCC
Office of the NSS
Office of the Students Union
Students Cooperative Society
Canteen (Non Resident Students’ Centre)

Residential Life

One of the uniqueness of U.C.College is the Residential system providing quarters for faculty staff and students with in the campus.There are four Women's Hostels and one Men's Hostel.

Chacko Hostel for Men Wardens Quarters
Skinner Hostel for Women Wardens Quarters,
Quarters for Hostel boy & Security
East Hostel for Women Wardens Quarters
East Annex Hostel for Women Wardens Quarters
West Hostel for Women with Wardens Quarter, Quarters for Hostel boy & Security
Principal’s Quarters

Athletics and Fitness

The college offers sports and games facilities to every student who desires to develop his or her potential abilities and qualities of sportsmanship, team spirit and physique. Facilities for all the major items of games and athletics are provided.

Campus Ministry

Value Education Classes

Students have the opportunity to attend value education class from 9.30 to 10.15 a.m. on Fridays.

Chapel Services

There will be a Morning Worship at 9.10 a.m. on every working day of the College and a United Evening Worship at 6.45 p.m. every Sunday during term time in the College Chapel. Different books of hyms and prayers (compiling prayers from different faiths and religions) are used during workships. Attendance at these services is not obligatory, but all who wish to attend are welcome. Bible study circles hymn practice morning and evening workships are regularly practiced in the hostels.

The Students’ Christian Fellowship

The Students’ Christian Fellowship (SCF) of the college is affiliated to the SCM of India. The activities of the SCF include weekly meetings (noon interval of Fridays), Bible classes, talks, discussions, camps, etc. Another important programme is the carol service held in the College Chapel every December. A large number of students and teachers participate in the activities.

Inter Church Fellowship

The faculty belonging to Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church, Syrian Jacobite Church, Church of South India and Marthoma Syrian Church form the Inter Church Fellowship. The members of ICF meet on every Tuesday at 3.30 p.m. They have been actively involved in academic administrative and cultural and religious activities from the time of inception of the college. The Fellowship method of administration, one of the essential characteristics of the college, has been successful in removing the distinction between the employer